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for the price and other information on translation

We will assist you and responds to any of your questions.

Terms of Services

Ketentuan hasil terjemahan:
Terms of Translation
  • Total biaya dihitung berdasarkan total hasil terjemahan.
    Total cost is calculated based on the total pages of translation results

  • Biaya Jasa disesuaikan berdasarkan jenis layanan penterjemahan bahasa/legalisasi.
    Services fee is adjusted to the type of translation/appostile services

  • Hasil terjemahan dengan format standar.
    Translation results in format:
    * Kertas (Paper) A4, * Font Courier new/12, * Double space, * Margin: 1.

  • Tersedia softcopy (Inggris / English) dan hardcopy.
    Available hardcopy and softcopy

Prosedur Layanan:
Procedures of services
  • Materi terjemahan dapat dikirim melalui email.
    Files can be sent via email (scanning files result)

  • Melampirkan fotocopy KTP/ Identitas, jika dokumen atas nama pribadi.
    Attaching copy of Identity Card or other identities for personal documents

  • Kami akan memberikan informasi tentang estimasi total biaya dan waktu setelah kami tinjau bentuk dan isi dokumen (materi).
    We will send a quotation after files or document is received by us.

  • Kami akan mengirimkan invoice untuk DP 50% dari estimasi total biaya.
    We will send an Invoice (for Down payment: 50% of total costs estimation).

  • Dokumen akan diproses jika sudah ada pembayaran DP (Uang muka).
    Down payment for implementation of the translation

  • Kami akan selalu update informasi mengenai proses penterjemahan.
    We will always updating an information regarding translation/appostile process.

  • Kami akan kirim dokumen by kurir untuk area Jakarta ke alamat yang direkomendasikan.
    We will send documents (hardcopy) by courier to your address for area of Jakarta.

  • Pembayaran bisa dilakukan dengan transfer via ATM dan sejenisnya.
    Payment can be made by transfer or cash by courier.

Mengenai hal-hal lainnya, Untuk saran dan kritik atau Konsultasi layanan silahkan hubungi kontak kami
Please contact us for other information regarding translation or appostile services.

Copyright © 2019 Aprina